A Bit About Me

Dana Temporale is a young professional from the Conestoga College Graphic Design program, based out of Kitchener, Ontario, and is always seeking opportunities to learn new mediums and skills. They’re laid-back but productive, determined to do their best and help others around them. With a passion for colours and technology, they seek to find a workplace that will encourage them to grow and develop their skills. Deadlines and tight schedules are a non-issue for them, as they have plenty of experience working within a time crunch. Dana has 7 years of experience within the Adobe suite of tools, but is most proficient in Adobe Illustrator, and also enjoys painting with Acrylics and playing Video Games in their free time.

In addition, this entire website was coded in HTML by me!

If you need to get in contact with me, please send an email to: dana@temporale.com

FIRST Robotics

During highschool, they spent 3 years participating in the FIRST Robotics Competition, Dana created assets for team 5409, and provided their sponsors with a bi-weekly video update. Taking up the role of Media Lead from 2019-2020, they developed a cohesive and active social media presence in addition to upholding the team's existing identity, winning the Imagery award with their team at the Ontario District Championships for FIRST Robotics. By participating in this Competition, Dana developed important collaboration and time management skills that they still use to this day, in addition to gaining the inspiration to study Graphic Design.

If you would like to learn more about FIRST robotics or any other FIRST program head to firstinspires.org!